Results for 'Megan Doerr Sara Meeder A. Sage Bionetworksb Maimonides Medical Center'

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  1.  2
    Group Risks: Thinking Outside the Box.Megan Doerr Sara Meeder A. Sage Bionetworksb Maimonides Medical Center - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):61-64.
    Volume 25, Issue 2, February 2025, Page 61-64.
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  2. Synthetic Health Data: Real Ethical Promise and Peril.Daniel Susser, Daniel S. Schiff, Sara Gerke, Laura Y. Cabrera, I. Glenn Cohen, Megan Doerr, Jordan Harrod, Kristin Kostick-Quenet, Jasmine McNealy, Michelle N. Meyer, W. Nicholson Price & Jennifer K. Wagner - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (5):8-13.
    Researchers and practitioners are increasingly using machine‐generated synthetic data as a tool for advancing health science and practice, by expanding access to health data while—potentially—mitigating privacy and related ethical concerns around data sharing. While using synthetic data in this way holds promise, we argue that it also raises significant ethical, legal, and policy concerns, including persistent privacy and security problems, accuracy and reliability issues, worries about fairness and bias, and new regulatory challenges. The virtue of synthetic data is often understood (...)
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    Synthetic Health Data: Real Ethical Promise and Peril.Daniel Susser, Daniel S. Schiff, Sara Gerke, Laura Y. Cabrera, I. Glenn Cohen, Megan Doerr, Jordan Harrod, Kristin Kostick-Quenet, Jasmine McNealy, Michelle N. Meyer, I. I. W. Nicholson Price & Jennifer K. Wagner - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (5):8-13.
    Researchers and practitioners are increasingly using machine-generated synthetic data as a tool for advancing health science and practice, by expanding access to health data while—potentially—mitigating privacy and related ethical concerns around data sharing. While using synthetic data in this way holds promise, we argue that it also raises significant ethical, legal, and policy concerns, including persistent privacy and security problems, accuracy and reliability issues, worries about fairness and bias, and new regulatory challenges. The virtue of synthetic data is often understood (...)
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    Group Risks: Thinking Outside the Box.Megan Doerr & Sara Meeder - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):61-64.
    In their recent article Consideration and Disclosure of Group Risks in Genomics and Other Data-Centric Research: Does the Common Rule Need Revision? Chapman et al. (2025) thoughtfully explore aspec...
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    Assessment of the All of Us research program’s informed consent process.Megan Doerr, Sarah Moore, Vanessa Barone, Scott Sutherland, Brian M. Bot, Christine Suver & John Wilbanks - 2021 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 12 (2):72-83.
    Informed consent is the gateway to research participation. We report on the results of the formative evaluation that follows the electronic informed consent process for the All of Us Research Program. Of the nearly 250,000 participants included in this analysis, more than 95% could correctly answer questions distinguishing the program from medical care, the voluntary nature of participation, and the right to withdraw; comparatively, participants were less sure of privacy risk of the program. We also report on a small (...)
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    Policy on decision making with pregnant patients at the George Washington University Hospital.Medical Center Baptist - 1991 - Midwest Medical Ethics: A Publication of the Midwest Bioethics Center 7 (1):15.
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    When Is Enough, Enough?Megan Homsy - 2023 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 13 (1):3-4.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:When Is Enough, Enough?Megan HomsyThis was a case that stuck with many members of our transplant team for a long time. The patient was a 44-year-old Caucasian male evaluated for a liver transplant with a diagnosis of hepatitis C virus (HCV), originally diagnosed 11 years before the transplant evaluation. The patient met the criteria for the following substance use diagnoses: alcohol use disorder moderate in sustained remission, in (...)
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    Clinician Moral Distress: Toward an Ethics of Agent‐Regret.Daniel T. Kim, Wayne Shelton & Megan K. Applewhite - 2023 - Hastings Center Report 53 (6):40-53.
    Moral distress names a widely discussed and concerning clinician experience. Yet the precise nature of the distress and the appropriate practical response to it remain unclear. Clinicians speak of their moral distress in terms of guilt, regret, anger, or other distressing emotions, and they often invoke them interchangeably. But these emotions are distinct, and they are not all equally fitting in the same circumstances. This indicates a problematic ambiguity in the moral distress concept that obscures its distinctiveness, its relevant circumstances, (...)
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    Who Are the People in Your Neighborhood? Personas Populating Unregulated mHealth Research.Megan Doerr & Christi Guerrini - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (S1):37-48.
    A key feature of unregulated mHealth research is the diversity of participants in this space. Applying an approach drawn from user experience design, we describe a set of archetypal unregulated mHealth researcher “personas,” which range from individuals who seek empowerment or have philanthropic objectives to those who are primarily motivated by financial gain or have misanthropic objectives. These descriptions are useful for evaluating policies applicable to mHealth to understand how they will impact various stakeholders.
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    The Physician vs. the Halakhic Man: Theory and Practice in Maimonides's Attitude towards Treating Gentiles.Abraham Ofir Shemesh - 2018 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 17 (49):18-31.
    Ancient Jewish law took a strict approach to medical relationships between Jews and non-Jews. Sages forbade Jews to provide non-Jews with medical services: to treat them, circumcise them, or deliver their babies, in order to refrain from helping pagan-idolatrous society. Such law created particularly severe social conflicts in cases of mixed societies based on joint systems. The current paper focuses on the attitude of Moses ben Maimon, a medieval Sephardic Jewish Rabbi towards providing medical service to gentiles. (...)
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    Developing a Postpandemic Model for Hybrid Clinical Ethics Rotations in Postgraduate Medical Education.Sara Kolmes & Kevin M. Dirksen - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-10.
    Bioethics education in residency helps trainees achieve many of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education milestones and gives them resources to respond to bioethical dilemmas. For this purpose, The Providence Center for Health Care Ethics has offered a robust clinical ethics rotation since 2000. The importance of bioethics for residents was highlighted as the COVID-19 pandemic raised significant bioethical concerns and moral distress for residents. This, combined with significant COVID-19-related practical stressors on residents led us to develop (...)
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  12. Anthologie du Guide de Maïmonide par Leibniz.Moïse Maïmonide, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Lloyd Strickland & Walter Hilliger - 2022 - Cercle Hilliger.
    La traduction latine du livre de Maïmonide Moreh Nevukhim | Guide des égarés, a été l'ouvrage juif le plus influent des derniers millénaires (Di Segni, 2019 ; Rubio, 2006 ; Wohlman, 1988, 1995 ; Kohler, 2017). Elle marqua le début de la scolastique, fille du judaïsme élevée par des penseurs juifs, selon l'historien Heinrich Graetz (Geschichte der Juden, L. 6, Leipzig 1861, p. xii). Imprimée par la première presse mécanique de Gutenberg, son influence en Occident s'étendit jusqu'au Vème concile du (...)
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    (1 other version)Medical Aphorisms: Treatises 1-5.Moses Maimonides - 2004 - Brigham Young University.
    Maimonides, one of the most celebrated rabbis in the history of Judaism, was a prolific author of influential Arabic philosophical and medical treatises and two of the most important works on Jewish law. Medical Aphorisms is the best known and most comprehensive of his works, and Gerrit Bos offers here a masterful English translation with detailed annotations. Medical Aphorisms consists of approximately 1500 maxims compiled by Maimonides from the treatises of Galen, the renowned ancient Greek (...)
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    Palabras peregrinas. La performatividad de La palabra en «La Ciudad de Dios» de San Agustín de Hipona.Megan Sara Zeinal - 2023 - Pensamiento 78 (301):1793-1802.
    La relación entre lenguaje y creación no se reduce para San Agustín en los recursos que presenta un término de la analogía para ilustrar al otro, sino que el lenguaje tiene un poder de agenciamiento en la realidad cuya eficacia está en su capacidad de determinar, contaminar, purificar o enredar las relaciones del ordo amoris. A lo largo de La Ciudad de Dios puede verse como la palabra performa, su potencia es una promesa en sí misma, su posibilidad o imposibilidad (...)
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    The Routledge handbook of Indian Buddhist philosophy.Sara L. McClintock, William Edelglass & Pierre-Julien Harter (eds.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    The Routledge Handbook of Indian Buddhist Philosophy is an outstanding reference source to the principal philosophers in the diverse Buddhist traditions of India, from the early Pāli writings to the twentieth century. The Handbook provides thorough coverage of the most significant figures, texts and debates that animate Buddhist philosophy. A key feature is the attention given to the ideas and works of particular Buddhist thinkers, placing the author at the centre of inquiry. Forty chapters by an international team of contributors (...)
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    The high costs of getting ethical and site-specific approvals for multi-centre research.Nicholas Graves, Brett G. Mitchell, Anne Gardner, Katie Page, Lisa Hall, Alison Farrington, Carla Shield, Megan J. Campbell & Adrian G. Barnett - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (1).
    BackgroundMulti-centre studies generally cost more than single-centre studies because of larger sample sizes and the need for multiple ethical approvals. Multi-centre studies include clinical trials, clinical quality registries, observational studies and implementation studies. We examined the costs of two large Australian multi-centre studies in obtaining ethical and site-specific approvals.MethodsWe collected data on staff time spent on approvals and expressed the overall cost as a percent of the total budget.ResultsThe total costs of gaining approval were 38 % of the budget for (...)
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    Fashioning Sufi: body politics of androgynous sacred aesthetics.Sara Shroff - 2022 - Feminist Theory 23 (3):407-419.
    Revered as the ‘Queen of Qawwali’ and ‘Queen of Sufi music’, sixty-seven-year-old Abida Parveen is a spiritual phenomenon who transcends gender while performing. She is known for her signature fashion style of buttoned-up masculine-cut kurta with matching shalwar and an ajrak shawl. Her aesthetic circulates within transnational and national fashion media and popular cultural spaces through descriptors such as androgynous, masculine, modest, indigenous and sacred. As a highly respected figure with widely circulating performances on both the national and international stages, (...)
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    Bold Women, Bad Assets: Honour, Property and Techno-Promiscuities.Sara Shroff - 2021 - Feminist Review 128 (1):62-78.
    In June 2016, Qandeel Baloch, a 26-year-old Pakistani social media star, was murdered. Her death sparked both public outrage and a policy debate around ‘honour killing’, digital rights and sex-positive sexuality across Pakistan and its diasporas. Qandeel challenged what constitutes a proper Pakistani woman, an authentic Baloch and a respectable digital citizen. As a national sex symbol, she failed at the gendered workings of respectable heterosexuality, and during her short lifetime she optimised this failure and public fetish as a technologically (...)
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    Socrates' Maieutics and the Ethical Foundations of Psychotherapy.Otto Doerr-Zegers - 2022 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 29 (4):279-285.
    Abstract:Since Homeric times, psychotherapy has been an essential part of the medical act. Initially, the word of physicians had a magical character. Plato rationalizes this in many of his dialogues. In "Charmides," he dives deeper into this matter and proposes to apply it to every disease. Analysing this dialogue has fundamental consequences for psychotherapy: 1) Remedy and epodé (charm) must be applied in every doctor–patient relationship. 2) The body can only be healed if the soul is cured first by (...)
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    Understanding and Healing.Otto Doerr-Zegers - 2022 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 29 (4):293-298.
    First, I would like to thank Dr. Phillips for his generous words about the potential interest of my work. He speaks about the fact that it is "insightful" and thought-provoking ("it offers us much to think about"). In his comment Dr. Phillips reviews the main moments of the evolution of treatment by words in the Greek world and he focuses on Plato's Dialogue Charmides, whose analysis is the center of my article. He even quotes some parts of the dialogue, (...)
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    When routine calls for information become interpersonally sensitive.Sara Orthaber & Rosina Márquez Reiter - 2016 - Pragmatics and Society 7 (4):638-663.
    This paper examines interpersonally sensitive exchanges in two calls for information to the call centre of a public transport company. In order to provide relevant information and facilitate sequence progressivity, the agents need to go through specific steps. Although this is typical of institutional settings, customers may not necessarily be aware of them. The excerpts examined in this paper show how the customers’ lack of knowledge of the institutional steps the agents have to go through to attend to their requests (...)
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    Christian Sexual Ethics and the #MeToo Movement.Karen Ross, Megan K. McCabe & Sara Wilhelm Garbers - 2019 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 39 (2):339-356.
    These three reflections look at the theological and ethical implications of sexual violence in light of the attention brought by #MeToo. The first explores ethnographic interviews which indicate that Church leaders, teachers, and parents contribute to rape culture by leaving sexual violence unaddressed in Christian sexual education, arguing that it must be reconstructed to eliminate the Church’s participation in a culture that promotes gender-based violence. The second notes that feminist scholarship has made the case that rape and “unjust sex” are (...)
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    Does semantic impairment explain surface dyslexia? VLSM evidence for a double dissociation between regularization errors in reading and semantic errors in picture naming.Pillay Sara, Humphries Colin, Stengel Benjamin, Book Diane, Rozman Megan & Binder Jeffrey - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    El concepto de blasfemia en la obra de Agustín de Hipona.Megan Sara Zeinal Werba - 2022 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 28 (2):43-63.
    Entre los múltiples legados de la filosofía de Agustín de Hipona se detecta un reconocimiento muy atento al lenguaje. Su aproximación trata de una variedad de encuadres que exhiben que la lengua debe entenderse en relación a una cierta noción de praxis. No solo porque sus escritos sintetizan un rico recorrido propio de exploraciones lingüísticas teóricas y empíricas. Sino también porque es a través de una efervescente implicación en el discurso en donde Agustín construye su posición gestualmente. Lo hace escribiendo, (...)
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    De-sexing the Medical Record? An Examination of Sex Versus Gender Identity in the General Medical Council’s Trans Healthcare Ethical Advice.Sara Dahlen - 2020 - The New Bioethics 26 (1):38-52.
    What do the terms sex and gender identity, or gender history, mean in a medical context? When does it matter to a healthcare professional whether a patient has male or female reproductive biology?...
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    Medical Assistance in Dying: Going beyond the Numbers.Sara Hashemi, Julia Taylor, Mary Faith Marshall & Marcia Day Childress - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (11):97-99.
    Daryl Pullman provides a valuable comparison between the Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) rates in Canada and California, illuminating the factors that appear to be pushing Canada down a slippery...
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    Medically assisted gender affirmation: when children and parents disagree.Samuel Dubin, Megan Lane, Shane Morrison, Asa Radix, Uri Belkind, Christian Vercler & David Inwards-Breland - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (5):295-299.
    Institutional guidelines for transgender children and adolescent minors fail to adequately address a critical juncture of care of this population: how to proceed if a minor and their parents have disagreements concerning their gender-affirming medical care. Through arguments based on ethical, paediatric, adolescent and transgender health research, we illustrate ethical dilemmas that may arise in treating transgender and gender diverse youth. We discuss three potential avenues for providing gender-affirming care over parental disagreement: legal carve-outs to parental consent, the mature (...)
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    Patient satisfaction with surgical informed consent at Jimma Medical Center, Ethiopia.Tsegaw Biyazin, Ayanos Taye & Yeshitila Belay - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-9.
    Background Informed consent is a process in which a healthcare provider obtains permission from an individual prior to surgery. Patient satisfaction with the informed consent process is one of the main indicators of healthcare service quality. This study aimed to assess patient satisfaction with surgical informed consent at Jimma Medical Center, Ethiopia, in 2020. Methods A facility-based cross-sectional study was conducted from April 1 to June 30, 2020, at Jimma Medical Center. Face-to-face interviews were conducted using (...)
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    If You Would Not Criminalize Poverty, Do Not Medicalize It.William M. Sage & Jennifer E. Laurin - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (3):573-581.
    American society tends to medicalize or criminalize social problems. Criminal justice reformers have made arguments for a positive role in the relief of poverty that are similar to those aired in healthcare today. The consequences of criminalizing poverty caution against its continued medicalization.
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    The Legitimacy of Medical Treatment: What Role for the Medical Exception.Sara Fovargue & Alexandra Mullock - 2015 - Routledge.
    Whenever the legitimacy of a new or ethically contentious medical intervention is considered, a range of influences will determine whether the treatment becomes accepted as lawful medical treatment. The development and introduction of abortion, organ donation, gender reassignment, and non-therapeutic cosmetic surgery have, for example, all raised ethical, legal, and clinical issues. This book examines the various factors that legitimatise a medical procedure. Bringing together a range of internationally and nationally recognised academics from law, philosophy, medicine, health, (...)
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  31. The Tortured Patient: A Medical Dilemma.Hastings Center - 2011 - Asian Bioethics Review 3 (3).
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    The Grandview Medical Center Bioethics Consultation Service Perspective on the Peril of Isolated and Vulnerable Individuals due to COVID-19.Jeffrey Kaufhold, Sharon Merryman, Leland Cancilla & Nicholas Salupo - 2021 - Asian Bioethics Review 13 (4):463-471.
    We present the perspective of a Bioethics Consultation Service operating in an urban hospital in Dayton, Ohio, USA, as it adapted to treating Sars-CoV-2 patients throughout 2020. Since the first case of COVID-19 was reported in Ohio on 9 March 2020, until 1 January 2021, the Bioethics Consultation Service was consulted 60 times, a 22.5% increase from the same period of 2019. The most common diagnoses requiring consultation included end-stage renal disease requiring dialysis, out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, and sepsis. Only 10% (...)
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    Bioethics Resources on the Web.National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature - 2000 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10 (2):175-188.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10.2 (2000) 175-188 [Access article in PDF] Scope Note 38 Bioethics Resources on the Web * Once described as an "enormous used book store with volumes stacked on shelves and tables and overflowing onto the floor" (Pool, Robert. 1994. Turning an Info-Glut into a Library. Science 266 (7 October): 20-22, p. 20), Internet resources now receive numerous levels of organization, from basic directory listings (...)
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    Teaching Corner: An Undergraduate Medical Education Program Comprehensively Integrating Global Health and Global Health Ethics as Core Curricula: Student Experiences of the Medical School for International Health in Israel.Sara Teichholtz, Jonah Susser Kreniske, Zachary Morrison, Avraham R. Shack & Tzvi Dwolatzky - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (1):51-55.
    The Medical School for International Health was created in 1996 by the Faculty of Health Sciences at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in affiliation with Columbia University’s Health Sciences division. It is accredited by the New York State Board of Education. Students complete the first three years of the program on the Ben-Gurion University campus in Be’er-Sheva, Israel, while fourth-year electives are completed mainly in the United States along with a two-month global health elective at one of numerous sites (...)
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    Incompatible with Care: Examining Trisomy 18 Medical Discourse and Families’ Counter-discourse for Recuperative Ethos.Megan J. Thorvilson & Adam J. Copeland - 2018 - Journal of Medical Humanities 39 (3):349-360.
    Parents whose child is diagnosed with a serious disease such as trisomy 18 first rely on the medical community for an accurate description and prognosis. In the case of trisomy 18, however, many families are told the disease is “incompatible with life” even though some children with the condition live for several years. This paper considers parents’ response to current medical discourse concerning trisomy 18 by examining blogs written by the parents of those diagnosed. Using interpretive humanistic reading (...)
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    The Default Position: Optimizing Pediatric Participation in Medical Decision Making.Aleksandra E. Olszewski & Sara F. Goldkind - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (3):4-9.
    Inclusion of children in medical decision making, to the extent of their ability and interest in doing so, should be the default position, ensuring that children are routinely given a voice. However, optimizing the involvement of children in their health care decisions remains challenging for clinicians. Missing from the literature is a stepwise approach to assessing when and how a child should be included in medical decision making. We propose a systematic approach for doing so, and we apply (...)
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    Review of Outpatient Pediatric Ethics Consults at an Academic Medical Center[REVIEW]George E. Freigeh, Hannah Fagen & Janice Firn - forthcoming - HEC Forum:1-13.
    Limited data exist in the specific content of pediatric outpatient ethics consults as compared to inpatient ethics consults. Given the fundamental differences in outpatient and inpatient clinical care, we aimed to describe the distinctive nature of ethics consultation in the ambulatory setting. This is a retrospective review at a large, quaternary academic center of all outpatient ethics consults in a 6-year period. Encounter-level demographic data was recorded, and primary ethical issue and contextual features were identified using qualitative conceptual content (...)
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    Moral dilemmas faced by hospitals in time of war: the Rambam Medical Center during the Second Lebanon War. [REVIEW]Yaron Bar-El, Shimon Reisner & Rafael Beyar - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (1):155-160.
    Rambam Medical Center, the only tertiary care center and largest hospital in northern Israel, was subjected to continuous rocket attacks in 2006. This extreme situation posed serious and unprecedented ethical dilemmas to the hospital management. An ambiguous situation arose that required routine patient care in a tertiary modern hospital together with implementation of emergency measures while under direct fire. The physicians responsible for hospital management at that time share some of the moral dilemmas faced, the policy they (...)
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    Upstream Health Law.William M. Sage & Kelley McIlhattan - 2014 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 42 (4):535-549.
    Medicine and health are surprisingly separate. In the introduction to his 1963 master work on medical economics, Kenneth Arrow acknowledged that “the subject is the medical-care industry, not health.” In the 50 years that followed, researchers, policymakers, and public health professionals generated valuable and varied insights into health, impacting both behaviors and environments while addressing social determinants and demographic trends. Yet medical care has followed an even steeper upward trajectory, growing rapidly in scientific precision, public esteem, and (...)
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    Decolonizing health care: Challenges of cultural and epistemic pluralism in medical decision-making with Indigenous communities.Sara Marie Cohen-Fournier, Gregory Brass & Laurence J. Kirmayer - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (8):767-778.
    The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada made it clear that understanding the historical, social, cultural, and political landscape that shapes the relationships between Indigenous peoples and social institutions, including the health care system, is crucial to achieving social justice. How to translate this recognition into more equitable health policy and practice remains a challenge. In particular, there is limited understanding of ways to respond to situations in which conventional practices mandated by the state and regulated by its legal apparatus (...)
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    Guardianship and Clinical Research Participation: The Case of Wards with Disorders of Consciousness.Megan S. Wright, Michael R. Ulrich & Joseph J. Fins - 2017 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 27 (1):43-70.
    Incapacitated adults with a legally appointed guardian or conservator may be recruited for or involved with medical, behavioral, or social science research. Much of the research in which such persons participate is aimed at evaluating medical interventions for them, or contributing to general knowledge about disorders from which they may suffer. In this paper we will consider how the appointment of guardians for patients with disorders of consciousness —severe brain injuries that affect a patient’s level of arousal and (...)
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    Sabr and Shukr: doing justice to medical futility.Sara Riaz - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (6):433-434.
    Medicine is no stranger to patience. In fact, the word ‘patient’ has an etymology stemming from the Latin word ‘patiens’, describing the one who tolerates suffering.1 In this sense, the cornerstone of medicine, the patient–physician relationship, reflects passive language, ‘to suffer’. This suffering must be understood, and should be most intimately understood by those who provide care that is beyond a patient’s reach. The case of patients and their loved ones requesting medically futile care at the end of life is (...)
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    Swimming Together Upstream: How to Align MLP Services with U.S. Healthcare Delivery.William M. Sage & Keegan D. Warren - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (4):786-797.
    Medical-legal partnership (MLP) embeds attorneys and paralegals into care delivery to help clinicians address root causes of health inequities. Notwithstanding decades of favorable outcomes, MLP is not as well-known as might be expected. In this essay, the authors explore ways in which strategic alignment of legal services with healthcare services in terms of professionalism, information collection and sharing, and financing might help the MLP movement become a more widespread, sustainable model for holistic care delivery.
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    Different MAiD Laws, Different MAiD Outcomes: Expected Rather Than “Disturbing”.Megan S. Wright & Cindy L. Cain - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (11):92-94.
    Pullman (2023) compares medically-assisted dying (MAiD) laws and rates of medically-assisted deaths in Canada and California, noting some differences in the legal regime and a higher rate of MAiD i...
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  45. Beyond the Medical Model? Disability, Formal Justice, and the Exception for the "Profoundly Impaired".Sara Goering - 2002 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 12 (4):373-388.
    The formal justice model proposed by Anita Silvers in Disability, Discrimination, and Difference emphasizes the social model of disability and the need for full equality of opportunity, and it suggests that a distributive model of justice that gives special benefits to individuals with disabilities is self-defeating. Yet in that work, Silvers allows an exception for the "profoundly impaired." In this paper, I show how the formal justice theory falls short when it comes to defining and dealing with "profoundly impaired" individuals (...)
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    Educational opportunities about ethics and professionalism in the clinical environment: surveys of 3rd year medical students to understand and address elements of the hidden curriculum.Wayne Shelton, Sara Silberstein, Lisa Campo-Engelstein, Henry Pohl, James Desemone & Liva H. Jacoby - 2023 - International Journal of Ethics Education 8 (2):351-372.
    Medical students’ concerns during clinical clerkships may not always be addressed with mentors who work under significant time constraints. This study examined 3rd year students’ survey responses regarding patient encounters to elucidate what may be hidden aspects of their learning environment. We analyzed results to an 18-item survey completed during a required ethics and professionalism course in third-year medicine clerkships over a period of 18 months. The survey covered types of concerns elicited by patient encounters, interactions with mentors about (...)
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    Medically Complex Children in Foster Care: Do Research “Protections” Make This “Vulnerable Population” More Vulnerable?Renee D. Boss, Erin P. Williams, Megan Kasimatis Singleton & Rebecca R. Seltzer - 2018 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 29 (2):145-149.
    Children in foster care are considered a “vulnerable population” in clinical care and research, with good reason. These children face multiple medical, psychological, and social risks that obligate the child welfare and healthcare systems to protect them from further harms. An unintended consequence of the “vulnerable population” designation for children in foster care is that it may impose barriers on tracking and studying their health that creates gaps in knowledge that are key to their receipt of medical care (...)
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    Feeding versus Artificial Nutrition and Hydration: At the Boundaries of Medical Intervention and Social Interaction.Sara M. Bergstresser & Erick Castellanos - 2015 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 8 (2):204-225.
    In this article, we examine the emergence of a concept of medical feeding that emphasizes artificiality and medical technology. We discuss how this concept has been created in specific contrast to the daily provision of food and water; medical definitions retain clear disjunctures with cultural and religious beliefs surrounding food, gendered aspects of eating and feeding, and the everyday practices of social and family life in the United States. We begin with an examination of the historical processes (...)
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    God, disease, and spiritual dilemmas: Reading the lives of women with breast cancer.Megan Eide & Ann Milliken Pederson - 2009 - Zygon 44 (1):85-96.
    To write about the disease of breast cancer from both scientific and spiritual perspectives is to reflect upon our genetic and spiritual ancestry. We examine the issues involved in breast cancer at the intersections of spirituality, technology, and science, using the fundamental thing we know about being human: our bodies. Our goal in this essay is to offer close readings of women's spiritual and bodily journeys through the disease of breast cancer. We have discovered that both illness and health come (...)
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    Comparing Two Euthanasia Protocols: The Free University of Amsterdam Academic Hospital and the Medical Center of Alkmaar.Gerrit K. Kimsma & Evert Van Leeuwen - 1996 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 5 (1):145.
    Hospital ethics committees in The Netherlands have had the unique responsibility of developing euthanasia policies for their institutions. Although each policy necessarily reflects a particular facility, family resemblances necessarily remain. In the interest of ethics committees outside The Netherlands that may soon face the same challenge, two such policies are presented here accompanied by commentary high-lighting their similarities and differences.
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